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Reptiles and Amphibians
Below are just some of our herptiles (reptiles and amphibian) here at The 6 Day Zoo. For more information about our additional animals, please contact us.
Ball Python

Florida Kingsnake

Western Hognose Snake
not available at this time

Veiled Chameleon
not available at this time

Crested Gecko

Leopard Gecko

Red Eared Slider

Berber Skink

Blue-Tongued Skink

Pixie Frog

Cane Toad

Argentine Black and White Tegu

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Savannah Monitor
not available at this time

Russian Tortoise

Bearded dragon

West African Egg Eating Snake

Red Tail Boa
Blue-Tongued Skink
Blue-Tongued Skink

Pacman Frog
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